Friday, November 13, 2020

How can a toxic environment affect your mental health?


It’s one thing to say, “Don’t bring your work problems at home,” and another thing to actually do it. When you are under stress at work, you could slowly change your mindset little by little with each passing day. Suppose you are subjected continuously to ill communications practice like passive-aggressive communication, constant badgering or belittlement, or even workplace sexism. These elements can then make their way into your personality, according to life coach Marc Accetta. Here are ways toxic work environments affect your mental health. 

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Many people opt to resign because of a toxic culture in the workplace. For example, you could develop anxiety at work. You feel unease when speaking to your colleagues, and you dread receiving emails from your superiors. You feel like nothing you do is ever correct. Anxiety can then lead to poor quality of sleep, and later, spill into your work performance.

Workplace negativity can also change your outlook in life. Given that work takes a huge portion of daily adult lives, being stuck in a workplace that promotes competition over cooperation and ruthlessness over compassion can slowly change your personality. There isn’t a switch in the brain where one can separate themselves from who they are at work. 

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People may find it challenging to work in this type of environment. And it’s even more difficult if what causes the problem is management decisions or personnel. Marc Accetta believes that no work is worth the degradation of one’s mental health. Although it may be challenging, turning the ship around and removing toxic workplace practices is possible.

Marc Accetta has been helping others how to be successful by removing doubts and fears, improving self-esteem, and honing skills. Many deem him instrumental in inspiring people to achieve their goals in life. More insights straight from Marc here.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Stay motivated and focused while working from home with these tips


The work-from-home setup is not for everyone, says life coach Marc Accetta. While there are many people who can thrive in this setup, there are others who are better suited for the traditional office life. But because of the pandemic, many employees have been forced to telecommute for the time being. Whether or not a person is suited for this arrangement, these uncertain times have been challenging for many. Instead of focusing on work, many have to juggle matters at home while keeping track of what’s happening in the outside world. Here are some tips to stay motivated while working from home. 

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Create an ideal workspace

Whether it’s a nook in a bedroom, a corner in the kitchen, or in the garden, a person will work properly if they’re in their ideal workspace. Even if it’s in different parts of the house, it must be conducive to video conferences, work calls, and a person’s usual work tasks. It should also be a place where people have their needs within reach. While many suggest setting up a designated workspace, some people prefer changing their work areas every now and then.

Turn off social media and the television

Many people have become more prone to stress and anxiety because of the barrage of updates they receive every minute. While it’s important to stay updated with what’s happening in the world, too much isn’t helpful for those who are already struggling to keep up with their personal lives. Marc Accetta suggests setting a social media break which will allow employees to zero in on their tasks at work. This will also prevent them from wasting hours in the job. 

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Have an end of the workday routine

Nowadays, not a lot of people have to deal with their daily commute or their log-off routine after a day in the office. Being in one place the whole day can be tiring, which is why one should learn how to shift from work mode to home mode. Changing into more comfortable clothes, turning off the office-issued laptop, or putting on relaxing music will let the body know that work is finished. Like in the past, doing something fun after work is still possible. Simple after-work activities such as eating a special meal, drinking wine, playing video games, and many others, will help a person relax for the rest of the day.

Marc Accetta is one of the most recognizable figures in the life coaching arena. He is known for his unique style in conducting life coaching seminars, touching the lives of many people regardless of their age group or socioeconomic status. For similar reads, visit this blog.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

A surefire method to increase your influence at work


Some people clock-in in the morning but fail to be present at work in ways that matter. They believe they are making progress and taking names but their managers keep bypassing them when it’s time for promotions or raises. If this sounds like you, you haven’t probably discovered the one key skill managers and companies are looking for, a skill that not many colleges teach.

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It’s how to discover and provide value, Marc Accetta notes.
The value we’re talking about here isn’t the output you send at the end of the day; otherwise, every entry level worker gets a red carpet to a corner office. It’s the product you provide or the service you perform to fill in particular gaps. It’s the solution you offer for a pain afflicting your company’s processes.

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Say for example, your company possesses a sales department but the sales team’s numbers are in the mud. You take a look and you see that there are no sales enablement processes, no marketing activities putting your company’s name out there. If you have a marketing background or you offer to train the sales team on how to use Salesforce, you’re offering the company something of tremendous value, Marc Accetta explains. When this happens, you become an indispensable player in the office. You’ll be the first person your managers will be looking for as a subject matter expert, the first one they’ll give credit when your project lifts off, and the last one they’ll fire when things get tight. This is how you increase your influence at work.

Marc Accetta’s life-coaching and seminars continually empower people to take the reins of their own lives and become persons of influence in the lives of their loved ones and peers. His signature way of presenting and training which he labels as edutainment delights him to various audiences. Learn more about Marc Accetta’s work here.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Remote work 101: Six tips to excel at home

A few months after strict quarantine protocols have required employees to work from home, some may still find themselves struggling to strike a balance between work and life. It can be difficult to excel at work while at home for various reasons. Life coach Marc Accetta shares on this blog six tips to succeed in the new normal. 

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Create a workspace at home. Quit answering emails from the bed and start designating a workspace far from the bed. If tight spaces limit one from creating a workspace, make sure to designate an area where rest can be separated from the hustle. Dress up. While there clearly is no one to impress while working remotely, get dressed to boost productivity.

Make transitions into and out of work. Much like a daily commute that gets one ready for work and slows them down at the end of a shift, transitions at home will signal the beginning and the end of a working day. Stay connected with co-workers. It may be tempting to shut off the world. However, keep relationships close and organized to keep morale and productivity high. After all, teams and departments still exist. 

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Avoid multitasking, notes Marc Accetta. Focus on tasks and see them get checked off the to-do list one by one. Keep defined working hours. Doing this can boost productivity and prevent burnout. Individuals are now in charge of setting the tone for their own workplace. Maintaining separate hours for work and home life offers increased productivity while being present in home life. 

People need self-assurance, support, and confidence that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Life coach Marc Accetta helps people in this light. He is renowned for his unique and effective style in conducting seminars. For more updates, visit this page.

Monday, July 27, 2020

How can hobbies help with mental health?


After several months of self-isolation and avoiding going out of the house as much as possible, a lot of people are stressed out. Couple this with news of the ongoing pandemic, people getting sick, a tanking economy, and a general sense of not knowing what will happen in the future, and you have a recipe for a decline in mental wellness. This is why you see a lot of people on social media turning to new hobbies such as collection, baking, reading, podcasting, and so much more in order to fill the void created by this pandemic. Life coach Marc Accetta believes that hobbies can help improve your mental health and here’s why. 

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A hobby which lets you do recreational or relaxation activities helps you by reducing your stress levels. This hobby doesn’t have to be strictly about relaxation. It could be repetitive steps done over and over again like exercise. Some people fold linen, paint, cross stitch, or just plain listen to music that calms them. 

Long-term hobbies like restoring a car, redecorating the house, or even simple ones as reading books can make you feel involved with your passion. What’s great about getting involved in long-term hobbies is that you look forward to continuing the next day. By having that feeling, you’ll feel much better about the passage of time and the progress you are making.

Lastly, you can start new hobbies that can explore your creativity. According to Marc Accetta, creativity can come in many forms. There’s cooking, writing, photography, painting, even roleplaying as a made-up character in an online tabletop game of Dungeons and Dragons with your hobbyist friends. If you feel like the new hobby isn’t right for you, feel free to find a new one until you come across one that suits you.

Marc Accetta has been helping others how to be successful by removing doubts and fears, improving self-esteem, and honing skills. He is a life coach who helps individuals achieve this through the seminars and workshops he conducts across the country. For similar reads, visit this website. Tags: hobby, mental health, wellness

Thursday, June 25, 2020

How to avoid toxic positivity in life


A lot of the time, we look at positivity like its sunshine that can get rid of any type of sadness or frustration. But sometimes we go overboard, which can result to us making statements that promote toxic positivity. According to life coach Marc Accetta, toxic positivity is when people force their perceived positivity on others, undermining their situation in the process. What’s difficult is that it can be hard to distinguish optimism and toxic positivity. Here are ways to avoid toxic positivity in our words and in life. 

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Approach situations with compassion
Toxic positivity is engrained with privilege. Statements made in the guise of toxic positivity often reflect more on the person speaking rather than the situation they perceive to diffuse. This is why people on the other end could consider the words callous. You have to be able to recognize the pain point of the subject and offer an optimistic response that also addresses the situation.

Be aware of your privilege
Personal opinions tend to become positively toxic when someone who is more privileged belittles another person’s problem just because they don’t see it as a problem. For example, Brian, who always arrives on time at the office, tells Jeffrey, who is constantly late, that “If I can do it, so can you.” The problem is, Brian drives lives near the office and drives to work while Jeffrey has to spend an hour commuting to work.

Discerning actual optimism
Toxic positivity often channels a self-serving energy of optimism. You might think that you’re just encouraging people but you’re really not. Marc Accetta believes that true optimism can be achieved by thinking about the situation and how you can offer help. So instead of telling someone to delete their negativity, you could ask them how they feel and tell them that they are not alone in their ordeal.

Whether it’s for their personal, professional, spiritual, or social life, the people who come to Marc Accetta are those who need help in reaching a workable plan to achieve their goals. He is one of the most recognizable life coaches in the country. For more reads on personal growth, visit this website.

Friday, May 22, 2020

How to address your anxiety over the COVID-19 outbreak

The outbreak of COVID-19 has put the world on a nasty spin. It’s all you see in the news, your social media, and being stuck at home due to shelter-in-place directive from the government only makes things worse. It’s hard not to worry about yourself, your family, your friends, and your colleagues. Life coach Mark Accetta believes that people should be able to address their anxiety over this outbreak in one form or another to think clearly and have a better state of mind. 

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While anxiety might seem manageable to most people, it can affect you in more ways than one. It can change your sleeping pattern, the way you eat, prevent you from concentrating properly, and even worsen any existing conditions you might have. This is why it is important to address anxiety issues as they come.

One way of releasing the tension is by taking a break from watching, reading, or listening to news or stories regarding COVID-19. You can do this by focusing on one thing like reading a book, listening to an entire album of your favorite musician, or watching reruns of your favorite movies or TV shows.

Taking care of your body also helps with coping with anxiety. Usually, working out helps people in clearing their minds as they would focus on their body and their movement. Marc Accetta also encourages people to do mental exercises like meditation or even just taking deep breaths when they feel a surge of anxiety coming your way.

Life can be challenging at times, but Marc Accetta helps people generate a feasible plan to assist them in facing and overcoming adversities. He has been a life coach for several years already and has become instrumental in inspiring many people to achieve their goals in life. To know more about Mr. Accetta and his work, visit this page.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Why is exercise also good for the mind

There are a lot of ways to keep our state of mind healthy. Some people read, others listen to music, and some people are content with keeping a positive state of mind. But among the many ways to clear the mind of negativity, exercise is one of the best ways to get into better shape, scientists have noted. According to life coach Marc Accetta, having a healthy temple to host our minds can help keep a positive mindset. Here are some benefits exercise can bring not just to the body, but to your mind as well. 

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Exercise helps with motivation
People can often get into a slow slump of being unproductive. Small exercises like walking, jogging, or even playing sports can help get you out of that rut. For some people, exercising helps by clearing their mind off problems as they only focus on their movement. Regardless of your exercise, you become aware that you are trying to improve yourself, which can greatly boost self-esteem and self-worth.

Exercise helps with anxiety
Exercise is known to be a neutral and effective treatment for anxiety. Exercise can release endorphins which can relieve tension and stress and improve your mental energy. Practicing mindfulness alongside exercise allows you to focus on your body’s movements. You’ll notice small things like the rhythm of your breathing, the sensation of your feet hitting the ground, or even a breeze as you run. Marc Accetta believes that all these can help keep your mind at ease. Moreover, being physically fit can also brighten your mood and give you more energy to stay positive.

Marc Accetta uses unique means to capture his audiences’ attention and help them overcome personal hardships and professional struggles. Mr. Accetta, backed with talent and personal experiences, has inspired many people of all ages and from all walks of life. For more reads on positivity, visit this website.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Techniques that will develop positive speech habits in the workplace

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No one wants to work in a toxic office. Life coach Marc Accetta has worked with people who want to transform their lives, starting with their careers. Through the years, he noticed that many struggled because of the destructive words they have heard in their workplace. While not everything is about themselves, some negative words still affected their work. Check out these speech techniques that will make the office an affirmative place for professionals.

Find the good: One way to practice positive speech in the office is by verbalizing the positive, which helps boost the morale of co-workers. Even if things are going wrong, there's still something worth complimenting. Simply praising their work ethic or their efficiency in one skill will make them feel appreciated. Of course, this is better done in front of other co-workers.

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Remember to be grateful: According to Marc Accetta, many of his clients quit their jobs even if they sincerely enjoy it because they feel that the environment is unappreciative of their efforts. A sincere "Thank you!" or "You did well" after a long day might not change the outcome of some things in the office, but it will certainly make employees feel that their work matters.

Change 'I' statements to 'We' motivations: Leaders usually end up feeling more burdened because they take all the responsibility even if they delegate the tasks. Similarly, there are many employees with this kind of mindset. When talking about plans that are meant for the team, go from "I" to "we" to let everyone know they have a stake in the project. This can also help members become more involved when problems arise.

Marc Accetta is one of the most recognizable figures in the life coaching arena. He is known for his unique style in conducting life coaching seminars, touching the lives of many people regardless of their age group or socioeconomic status. For similar reads, visit this blog.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How to approach people who have depression

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Depression is one of the most talked-about mental health problems that a lot of people face. Every year, thousands suffer in silence as they battle this illness and try to get by. Life coach Marc Accetta explains that it requires sensitivity and thoughtfulness when reaching out to people suffering from depression. Phrases like “it’s all in your head,” “just be positive,” or even “it doesn’t hurt to smile every once in a while” belittle their condition and trivialize their struggle. Here are some ways on how to approach people who have depression.

Spend time to listen: Letting people suffering from depression know that you are there for them helps a lot. Listening is the first step to aiding them as it gives you an idea of what they are going through. It also enables you to respond to them in a meaningful manner. By listening, you can validate what they are feeling.

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Be careful when responding: Having a friend with depression can be a handful at times. It may seem like they are negative most of the time, but that’s just how the illness works. Some people think that sharing negative feelings is a way of bonding but it would feel like you are comparing what they are going through with your problem. Doing so could even make them distance themselves from you as not to burden you with their issues after hearing that you have your own problems to deal with.

Marc Accetta believes that no one should handle depression alone. If you have a friend or a loved one who has this mental illness, learn more about the disease and be informed on how to best approach each situation.

Life coach Marc Accetta uses unique means to capture his audiences’ attention and help them overcome personal hardships and professional struggles. Mr. Accetta, backed with talent and personal experiences, has inspired many people of all ages and from all walks of life. For similar reads, visit this blog.