Friday, August 28, 2020

Remote work 101: Six tips to excel at home

A few months after strict quarantine protocols have required employees to work from home, some may still find themselves struggling to strike a balance between work and life. It can be difficult to excel at work while at home for various reasons. Life coach Marc Accetta shares on this blog six tips to succeed in the new normal. 

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Create a workspace at home. Quit answering emails from the bed and start designating a workspace far from the bed. If tight spaces limit one from creating a workspace, make sure to designate an area where rest can be separated from the hustle. Dress up. While there clearly is no one to impress while working remotely, get dressed to boost productivity.

Make transitions into and out of work. Much like a daily commute that gets one ready for work and slows them down at the end of a shift, transitions at home will signal the beginning and the end of a working day. Stay connected with co-workers. It may be tempting to shut off the world. However, keep relationships close and organized to keep morale and productivity high. After all, teams and departments still exist. 

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Avoid multitasking, notes Marc Accetta. Focus on tasks and see them get checked off the to-do list one by one. Keep defined working hours. Doing this can boost productivity and prevent burnout. Individuals are now in charge of setting the tone for their own workplace. Maintaining separate hours for work and home life offers increased productivity while being present in home life. 

People need self-assurance, support, and confidence that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Life coach Marc Accetta helps people in this light. He is renowned for his unique and effective style in conducting seminars. For more updates, visit this page.

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