Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Celebrating self-improvement month with a focus on boosting job performance

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September is self-improvement month and there’s no better time to review just how much one has accomplished since the beginning of the year. People often make New Year’s resolutions but it is common for many to fall short or lose steam along the way. With a few months to go till the year ends, instead of giving up entirely, it is better to adopt a stance that insists that there is still some time to complete some of the goals set in January.

With little time to spare, it is best to focus on some aspects in life that matter. One’s job career is a good aspect to focus on as people spend much of their life at work. As some of these suggestions will show, a little can go a long way in improving one’s job performance:

First, make it a point to always arrive early. Resisting the urge to hit the snooze button every morning pays off as getting to work earlier than others gives workers some quiet, interruption-free time to start their day right.

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Second is to let go of the urge to multitask. By focusing on one task at a time, people can do better work, accomplish more, and feel less stressed at the end of the day after they’ve struck off everything in their daily to-do list.

Third, improve on communication. Many hassles and misunderstandings at the workplace can easily be avoided by listening and asking the right questions. Focus on improving communication with others and help improve the team’s synergy to get more things done right.

Finally, remember to find balance. Work is not everything there is to life so learning to limit one’s daily workload is vital to avoid burning out.

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Through his coaching seminars, Marc Accetta has helped inspire many individuals to continue on their path toward success. For more articles on self-improvement, visit this Google+ page.