Friday, November 13, 2020

How can a toxic environment affect your mental health?


It’s one thing to say, “Don’t bring your work problems at home,” and another thing to actually do it. When you are under stress at work, you could slowly change your mindset little by little with each passing day. Suppose you are subjected continuously to ill communications practice like passive-aggressive communication, constant badgering or belittlement, or even workplace sexism. These elements can then make their way into your personality, according to life coach Marc Accetta. Here are ways toxic work environments affect your mental health. 

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Many people opt to resign because of a toxic culture in the workplace. For example, you could develop anxiety at work. You feel unease when speaking to your colleagues, and you dread receiving emails from your superiors. You feel like nothing you do is ever correct. Anxiety can then lead to poor quality of sleep, and later, spill into your work performance.

Workplace negativity can also change your outlook in life. Given that work takes a huge portion of daily adult lives, being stuck in a workplace that promotes competition over cooperation and ruthlessness over compassion can slowly change your personality. There isn’t a switch in the brain where one can separate themselves from who they are at work. 

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People may find it challenging to work in this type of environment. And it’s even more difficult if what causes the problem is management decisions or personnel. Marc Accetta believes that no work is worth the degradation of one’s mental health. Although it may be challenging, turning the ship around and removing toxic workplace practices is possible.

Marc Accetta has been helping others how to be successful by removing doubts and fears, improving self-esteem, and honing skills. Many deem him instrumental in inspiring people to achieve their goals in life. More insights straight from Marc here.

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