Image source: purewow.com
Depression is one of the most talked-about mental health problems that a lot of people face. Every year, thousands suffer in silence as they battle this illness and try to get by. Life coach Marc Accetta explains that it requires sensitivity and thoughtfulness when reaching out to people suffering from depression. Phrases like “it’s all in your head,” “just be positive,” or even “it doesn’t hurt to smile every once in a while” belittle their condition and trivialize their struggle. Here are some ways on how to approach people who have depression.
Spend time to listen: Letting people suffering from depression know that you are there for them helps a lot. Listening is the first step to aiding them as it gives you an idea of what they are going through. It also enables you to respond to them in a meaningful manner. By listening, you can validate what they are feeling.
Image source: theconversation.com
Be careful when responding: Having a friend with depression can be a handful at times. It may seem like they are negative most of the time, but that’s just how the illness works. Some people think that sharing negative feelings is a way of bonding but it would feel like you are comparing what they are going through with your problem. Doing so could even make them distance themselves from you as not to burden you with their issues after hearing that you have your own problems to deal with.
Marc Accetta believes that no one should handle depression alone. If you have a friend or a loved one who has this mental illness, learn more about the disease and be informed on how to best approach each situation.
Life coach Marc Accetta uses unique means to capture his audiences’ attention and help them overcome personal hardships and professional struggles. Mr. Accetta, backed with talent and personal experiences, has inspired many people of all ages and from all walks of life. For similar reads, visit this blog.
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