Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IQ, the definition of success? Absolutely not

Image Source: peabodystreet.com

If you think professional success is all about IQ, think again. Although exceptional intelligence is the necessary condition for outstanding achievements, it does not warrant personal and professional success. According to Forbes, a research carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology shows that 85 percent of financial success is due to “human engineering” – this touches on personality, communication skills, negotiation abilities, and leadership ingenue, and not the longtime-revered intelligence quotient. 

What then is the perfect formula for gaining success? Interestingly, success can be achieved through other forms of intelligence: emotional intelligence (EQ), moral intelligence (MQ), and body intelligence (BQ).

Image Source: ericschneiderr.wordpress.com

Emotional intelligence refers to the awareness of your own feelings and those of others. It includes knowing how to regulate your feelings and appropriating them to certain situations. Tapping into emotional intelligence is easy by keeping a daily journal of thoughts. By becoming aware of your thought patterns, stress, which is a huge killer of emotional intelligence, can be kept at bay and coping strategies can be mastered.

Another prerequisite to success is moral intelligence, which deals with integrity, responsibility, sympathy, and forgiveness. By having moral intelligence, the wiggle room becomes smaller for excuses, avoiding responsibilities, and white lies.

Image Source: taoofyouth.com

Lastly, body intelligence pertains to the level of familiarity and understanding you have of your body. A body often neglected will constantly send signals, telling you that you are not getting enough sleep or you’re overworked. While these factors may seem far-fetched in the context of business performance, body intelligence affects your work because it largely determines your thoughts, feelings, self-confidence, state of mind, and energy level any given day.

Life coach Marc Accetta has been catapulting people to success through his seminars and trainings. Know more about him through this Twitter page.

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