Thursday, February 25, 2021

Sharpen mental focus by developing these habits


With all the distractions and noise around, it can be hard to focus on just one thing, especially during this age of multiple screens. However, honing the capability to do a single thing at a time can actually boost a person's efficiency. Life coach Marc Accetta shares how one can sharpen their focus to accomplish more tasks and make the most out of their time.

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Identify and write down the tasks that need to be done

Before going to bed or before going to work during the day, it might be good to spend a few minutes identifying goals for the day. This will allow a person to prepare their mind and body to dive into the work. More than just thinking about these things, writing them down will serve as a visual reminder for a person, especially those easily distracted.

Set a timer

The Pomodoro technique is a popular productivity strategy that encourages using a 25-minute timer and taking a 5-minute break once the timer is finished. According to experts, this technique allows people to feel a sense of urgency in doing their tasks. It also allows them to tune out distractions since they focus on achieving their tasks within the time limit.

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Practice single-tasking

Marc Accetta says that these days, people multi-task without them noticing it. For example, people listen to podcasts while answering work emails. Or they're watching a series while accomplishing forms for work. In order to be efficient, it's important to eliminate background activities that could be eating up one's time and focus. This might take practice, but learning how to be productive at one thing will allow a person to spend less time on one task that, in the end, will free up more of their schedule.

Life coach Marc Accetta uses unique means to capture his audiences’ attention and help them overcome personal hardships and professional struggles. Mr. Accetta, backed with talent and personal experiences, has inspired many people of all ages and from all walks of life. For similar reads, visit this blog.

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