Friday, December 7, 2018

How to intelligently handle toxic people

It could be your friend from school, a co-worker, or your own life partner. Toxic relationships can take various shapes and forms, and they come with an obvious pattern of manipulation, bullying, being combative, and unhealthy behaviors. But what are smart, effective ways to deal with toxic people in your life? Here are some.

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Learn to recognize the traits that make you an easy prey
Have you ever wondered why someone is mistreating you? Could it be your incessant need to please people, or your fear of changing the way things are? See if you can detect a pattern – you’ll need this information to deal with the toxic person and stop the mistreatment.
Get good social support

Smart people will develop a strong support network made up of loyal and trustworthy people. This comes with the realization that you cannot be everybody’s friend and you can’t be on every team, but that true friendship and loyalty will always be your weapon against toxic, negative individuals.
Guard your boundaries or plan your exit strategy

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If you can’t avoid coming into contact with a toxic person, may it be a neighbor or in-law, set boundaries for behavior and the kind of contact you’re going to have with them. You don’t need to be rude or abrasive; simply be firm, decisive, and ready to defend your personal space and wellness. Plan an exit strategy for toxic people you can actually give the boot.
Forgive, but don’t forget

While forgiveness requires that you let go of what happened for you to move on, it doesn’t mean giving a toxic person one chance after another. Use that situation as a learning experience, which can guide you in your other relationships.

Marc Accetta is one of the most recognizable figures in the life coaching arena. He is known for his unique style in conducting life coaching seminars regardless of people’s age groups or socioeconomic status. For more articles like this, visit this blog.

Monday, November 26, 2018

The powerful benefits of positive affirmations

Affirmations exist not just to manifest a particular goal or objective, but to encourage living a life of positivity and gratitude. It’s a continuing practice that can be a sustainable form of self-care and a way to attract success and a better life. Here are some potent benefits that one can get from daily positive affirmations.
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Helps keep the small things in perspective
In this day and age where speed is everything, a daily practice can remind one of how large the small things actually are. When one is healthy, for instance, it’s easy to forget to appreciate it or be thankful for it.

Heightens awareness
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One becomes aware of her daily thoughts and words, slashing the risk of negativity seeping in. One also better notices synchronicities in her life, which serves to encourage and motivate to keep up the practice.

Improves overall quality of life
People often say they practice affirmations to be happier, more optimistic, as well as have a clearer life perspective. Isn’t one more likely to enjoy a better life than if she’s constantly telling herself negative thoughts?

Incites creativity
One can program herself to learn what she wants to believe, whether in life in general, friendship, happiness, or career. Affirmations encourage being creative when coming up with what best suits one’s situation and circumstance.

Empowers and reveals new possibilities
It’s about choosing what to think, deciding how quickly to inherit a new belief, or knowing what one is doing affirmation for or why. It’s empowerment in one’s thoughts and beliefs. Affirmations also open up avenues for new possibilities out of the new way of thinking and what life can still possibly hold.

Marc Accetta is one of the most recognizable figures in the life coaching arena. He is known for his unique style in conducting life coaching seminars, touching the lives of many people regardless of their age group or socioeconomic status. Learn more on this website.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

How to cope with the stress of debt

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Debt can have profound effects on our lives.  The bigger it is, the more weight it exerts on lives, and not just on finances.  Debt brings in what people call debt stress, or the difficulty of dealing with debt.  People could feel trapped when they fail to climb out of their debts as fast as they would want to while others feel like their debts control their lives.  If you are currently experiencing debt stress, here are some ways on to cope.

Know that you are not alone
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Know that a huge portion of Americans also have debt in one form or another.  This can range from student loans to mortgages, credit card bills, and auto loans.  If you feel like your debt is too much to bear, talk about it with other people and get their insights on the situation.

Know that you are not your debt
You may have fallen into debt because of a mistake but don’t let that debt define who you are.  Don’t feel bad about the mistakes that led to your debt.  Learn from the past and move forward.

Know that you are making progress
Instead of looking at how much you owe, take a look at the progress you’ve made.  Every payment you made on time, every extra dollar you deposited to reduce the debt, every cut from your paycheck that you put into paying off your debt is a major win. 

Life coach Marc Accetta uses unique means to capture his audiences’ attention and help them overcome personal hardships and professional struggles. Mr. Accetta, backed with talent and personal experiences, has inspired many people of all ages and from all walks of life. For more reads on self-help, visit this blog.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Reasons you should always put yourself first

A lot of people tend to be sacrificing to a point that they no longer prioritize themselves. This habit can lead to self-esteem issues which can deeply hurt the psyche. As much as they think they’re doing the right thing, it usually comes back to haunt them. Here are some reasons you should always put yourself first.

If you put someone else first in a relationship and you get hurt, the pain you feel is yours alone. As much as you can talk to other people about your emotions, at the end of the day, you sleep with the pain and deal with it on your own. Putting yourself first makes it hurt less as you’ve invested more on yourself than on others.

Putting yourself first can give you a less stressful life. Putting everything in someone else’s basket will eventually lead to disappointments. Stress can weaken your immune system and lead to sickness and possibly depression.

What’s truly frightening about not putting yourself first is that people tend to notice. They can easily take advantage of your diligence or your kindness. In a workplace, this can seriously burn you out and endanger your career.

Lastly, if you show other people that they come first, you also tell them that you come second. This will always put you in a disadvantageous position in arguments and decision making.

Marc Accetta is one of the most recognizable figures in the life coaching arena. He is known for his unique style in conducting life coaching seminars, touching the lives of many people regardless of their age group or socioeconomic status. For similar reads, visit this website.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Here Are Reasons Why Tenacity Matters

Tenacity is often considered the secret sauce in business and life. It’s defined as the determination to continue what one is doing – having the courage or resolution, the mental or moral strength, to continue to exist or persist despite opposition, hardship or danger. There are several reasons why tenacity is a very important trait to have whether in one’s career or in personal affairs.

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It puts things in a good perspective
Tenacity provides perspective to place short-term difficulties in the context of a greater goal or purpose. It commits to look beyond an obstacle and instead consider it an opportunity for improvement or growth. It offers the confidence as well as determination to find a way to seek out a solution and survive.

It sheds light on one’s strengths

A position of tenacity and flexibility enables one to unveil those undiscovered strengths and abilities that ultimately lead to success. It’s a peek into what one is actually capable of doing and achieving amid an unfortunate situation.

It encourages other people

Tenacity is a display of courage and persistence, which can inspire others to take the same bold path. This can help prevent a culture of quitting in the face of adversity. Rather, it promotes a movement of hurdling the odds, may it be in large organizations or in the small startup environment. 

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Marc Accetta is one of the most recognizable figures in the life coaching arena. He believes that facing and overcoming challenges is possible if done with the right mindset. He believes that one must be able to remove doubts and fears, improve self-esteem, and hone personal skills to achieve success. Learn more on this website

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Never Underestimate The Power Of Incremental Changes

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One of the more important reasons some individuals or corporations do not achieve their goals is because they put too much focus on large changes, instead of small, incremental ones. In most cases, placing extreme, unnecessary importance on big improvements is ineffective because it consumes too much resources, including time, money, and energy.

Think of the proverb “the straw that broke the camel’s back.” A single unit of straw has limited impact on the camel, but continuously piling straws on its back will cause it to weaken. And when it finally collapses, it is not the last straw that actually broke it. Rather, it is the many pieces of straw that did.

In the same way for humans, it is the minor or routine actions that are consistently done that can create a significant impact in their lives.

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For businesses that need to change their culture, it cannot be done overnight. Understandably, there would be resistance from people who are innately averse to radical change. But through small measures, such as information dissemination, educational events or activities, and advisory support, the culture shift leaders seek out can eventually be achieved.

People who also want to find personal success need to chunk down their big goals into realistic, attainable steps. Even slight changes in habit, such as sleeping and waking up earlier or allocating time for reading, are beneficial.

Marc Accetta is on a mission to help other people accomplish their goals by guiding them in creating workable plans, removing doubts and fears, improving their self-esteem, and honing their skills. To see more similar articles, subscribe to this blog.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

How To Connect With a Live Audience

Some jobs require people to communicate through phones, group chat, teleconferences, and even live audiences. It’s easier to send a message if you have the time.  This is why emails are great.  You can read the whole message and make sure what you put in there is correct.  This is, of course, not the case when you are talking to a live audience.

One simply doesn’t read off a script in a monotonous fashion.  Regardless if you are facing clients at a private conference or doing public speaking, here are some ways on how one can connect with a live audience.

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Confidence is captivating.  This is one of the most noticeable elements of a presentation.  Confidence says you know what you’re saying, that you have prepared for the occasion, that you have experience in doing this.

Authenticity also plays a significant role when trying to capture an audience.  Some people can tell whether one is talking about something authentic.  Sincerity is something that is very difficult to fake.  One way to achieve authenticity is starting off with a short quip about yourself or a memory that is relevant to your topic.

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Lastly, having a good sense of humor can keep audiences attached to your speech.  However, humor is not for all audiences.  Read your audience first before proceeding to tell a funny tale or a joke.  Depending on the situation, it could be inappropriate and could damage your credibility.  
Armed with an innate talent in connecting with audiences, 

Marc Accetta has inspired many people to achieve their personal goals. He believes that to be successful, one must shake off doubts and fears, improve self-esteem, and hone personal skills. For more tips on public speaking, visit this page.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Stopping The Behaviors That Undermine Your Goals

Reaching a long-term goal or aspiration requires both a clear vision and the right amount of motivation. You’ll need to know what you want, why you want it, and the steps you need to take to make it happen. Sounds good? Not so fast.

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In truth, too many of us undermine our own efforts to attain our goals through our expectations and efforts.

One of the most common things that can deflate one’s motivation is excess visualization. Visualizing your plans does play a key role in driving you forward by providing a clear goal to plan around. Fixating on the end rather, however, may consume too much of your energy, leaving little to make aspirations into reality.

Material compensations can be very motivating things for many people, but they have their limits. Meeting compensation requirements that become too steep can really bum you out when you always fall short of them. Indeed, the desire to meet these basic requirements may even cause you to attempt to cheat the system, which would defeat both the intention and goals of the reward system.

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Having a backup plan can alleviate some of the discomfort caused by uncertainties, especially if the efforts to see your ambitions through are not always enough. Put too much effort in backups, however, and you risk undermining both the scope of your original goals and the motivation to see them through. Relying too much on smaller fallback ideas can prevent you from being confident enough to pursue bigger ones.

For years, Marc Accetta has helped inspire people to accomplish their lifelong goals. For more on motivation and goal-setting, visit this blog.