Friday, June 10, 2016

Manifest Love In Your Life Using The Law Of Attraction

Life coaching attempts to address all aspects of one’s life, including love. For many people, the attainment of success and wealth pales in comparison to the utter joy of finding a life partner. When Rhonda Byrne released "The Secret", many people – from Oprah to Deepak Chopra - began talking about the law of attraction and how all successful people (both in wealth and love) use this to manifest joy in their life.
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The law of attraction is used for anything, including love; but many people say that this is perhaps the hardest thing for them to attract. Somehow, the concept of attracting wealth and money is not as difficult as finding love. There are many stories available online about how the law of attraction does not seem to work in their quest for love. 

A few points must be stressed here. In terms of love, the concept of a "vacuum" does not work. In The Secret, readers are told that the Universe hates empty spaces. It conspires to fill areas where there is a lack. This works extremely well with money, but not with love. When people become desperate or have fear associated with love (e.g. I need to find a love partner because I am afraid of being alone or, I can’t leave him or her because--what will happen to me then? etc.), the vibrations they release are that of loss. Love cannot thrive in this environment. People inevitably push love away because their thoughts are one of loss. They may find a temporary partner or two, but true love will never exist with this mindset.
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Manifesting love through the law of attraction is based on gratitude and fulfilment. People often say "I will love myself when I get love" but this is a misconception. Many life coaches stress the importance of self-love first before any love can be received. It is the concept of simple math, how can one give when one doesn’t have? 

Marc Accetta has more life-changing tips and strategies. Learn more about them by liking this Facebook page.

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