Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Be an abundance thinker: Marc Accetta on getting rid of the scarcity mentality

For a long time, people have been asking one important question: what is the key to a prosperous life? For motivational speaker Marc Accetta, it is living a life that is driven by the will to share your blessings to others.

Marc Accetta Image Credit:

In one of the episodes of The Power of One, Mr. Accetta discussed the difference between being an abundance thinker and having a scarcity mentality. He says that people with scarcity mentality are “very self-centered and greedy” or “don’t believe that there are going to be enough for [them].” Mr. Accetta himself admits that he had this mentality for a while. “That’s the way I was for years,” the life coach reveals. Even though he was taught to share his blessings with other people, Marc Accetta found it a challenge to get rid of such mentality.

Marc Accetta Image Credit:

But he reminds his listeners that having this kind of thinking will not improve their lives. For him, what people should develop is abundance mentality -- always thinking of having enough resources to give part of it to other people or to the church.

Mr. Accetta believes that when people share their wealth to others, it is like saying “I believe that there’s a lot more coming in.” This, for him, is the right attitude in life.

Marc Accetta Image Credit:

“Ever since I started thinking that way, things changed dramatically in my life,” Marc shares, adding that he also believes that everything a person gives comes back to him tenfold.

To watch the full video of this lecture, visit Marc Accetta’s blog.

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