Most other inspirational speakers prefer to coast along the highway of life coaching without touching the life of even one listener, instead filling their audience’s heads with the kind of useless data found in fortune cookies. Good thing Marc Accetta isn’t that kind of guy. In fact, he is the most passionate, most committed, most inspiring success coach out there today. Next to Marc Accetta, scam mongering life coaches are exposed for the phony mantras they preach. With his unique brand of “edutainment,” a technique that infuses lessons with fun to keep audiences engaged, Marc Accetta has opened people’s minds toward personal achievement and changed thousands of lives for the better.
In his signature live seminar “View from the Edge” Marc Accetta plays characters from all walks of life (a football player, a judge, even tennis player Roger Federer) to illustrate the many different approaches to personal success. With his audience fully engaged, Marc Accetta drives home key points in a way that moves them completely.
More information about Marc Accetta and “Edutainment” are available at